Friday, November 6, 2009

What Network Marketing and America Going in the Wrong Direction Have in Common

According to recent polls, believe 81% of Americans, our country in the wrong direction. The high percentage set a record of the surveys that began in the early 1990s with the New York Times / CBS News polls. Some of my thoughts about it to believe why so many that our country on the wrong track.

Many Americans who were not affected in the first half of the war with Iraq, now have a loss of jobs, businesses and homes. 78% of respondents to the polls believing that our countryworse than 5 years ago with only 4% believe it is better than 5 years ago. The 4% my opinion, they have the wrong idea about where the country is headed. With talk of recession and the possibility of a further deepening of our great country, it is obvious that we are not in the right direction.

Many people in America have been working from home. The truth is that there is a 95% failure rate in this market. The reasons why are as obvious as why the country is headed in thewrong direction, leadership and is given the wrong information.

A comparison between the length of America's and network marketing may not be as strange as you think. Working from home can be a pleasant experience if you have the right tools. If our country on the right track, people flock to America to live the American dream.

Working from home gives me the opportunity to speak daily with many people. I keep hearing that they are a lookingOpportunities, but can not afford to operate a business, as they lose to the edge of everything they have. They have been suspicious of anyone to add a solution to their problem, with good reason that I want.

For too long the top 5% of network marketers have had their way. They have owned the industry to become rich off of those who the concept, but love has no idea how to successfully build their business. With this small elite withholding important information about your success, it is notMiracles, Network Marketing is always such a bad reputation.

Network marketing is a great source of free enterprise. Where else can you own your own business for under $ 100. If you have ever had in buying a franchise from McDonald's or seen another fast food chain you know, it takes hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Most of the top 5% in network marketing do not give up their secrets to success. That has never meaning for me, as the success of theTeam could make millions of dollars she and her team. The simple truth is if you and others like you have had enough and decide to leave their team, they already have a lot of money from you and ten more to fill the slot exit freely, there will be a revolving door, some go in, expect others in the area ...

After a great desire for my success, I was not held back and was determined to find my way. I hear to listen to the lies I was told to buy more leads, getTo do your warm market, people meet to talk, it goes on and on.

The truth is, the advice will lead you to buy, will probably always carry a kick out of the suppliers. Your friends and family are probably not talking to you after you run them over a dozen companies. Walking up to complete strangers about a business opportunity is crazy, because they most likely look at you as if you have lost your mind. If you remember, most jobs require an interviewMake sure there is a good fit. We do not want any Tom, Dick and Harry on our team, we select those who choose our value system, as those who are fit, you open-minded.

I put a team of people like you and I, who also committed to your success as their own will. No lies here, we choose to make money from home. The difference is, we'd like to earn money. We do not claim to experts, nor do we want to you free of charge thousands of dollars to build yourBusiness.

If the movie The Secret came publicity heights, I am surprised achieved. What bothered me about this movie is the same thing that bothers me that the lie of the network marketing gurus. They let the fact that you get action, to what you have to want to take. It is not coming to you through mere desire. Why is this fact was left out? Look on the Internet, today they do teach, there are millions willing to spend the money, you need to take action.Chances are it will be slightly larger on the left again the next year, so that they may request to teach, dass Most of what you can pay for free over the Internet for those willing to research will not be found.

Your choices are to spend up to $ 15k to a week long seminar or research go do yourself. It takes many hours a day to establish the facts. There is another choice. You can in our free, weekly webinars, which will begin from the first of July. We have done thisResearch so that you are not one. Come with your questions, we welcome it. We will do radio shows on Blog Talk Radio on the same subjects. For those who take advantage of our offer to leave a comment with your information so we can contact you.

If you're tired, lied to act now to make the necessary changes. Like a pot of soup, with the right ingredients, or in this case, the right tools, you will reach your goal.

Cheryl C.McNeil

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